This format is easily readable by anyone with a computer and will preserve your formatting exactly.
#Manuscript speech pdf
No funky, unique, or "pretty" colors of any kind. Use all black text on all white paper.Despite the SMF being akin to the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot - rumored but never proven to exist - there are some formatting guidelines that are practically universal and should always be followed. Usually, if your formatting is common, simple, and consistent, your manuscript’s odds of immediately landing on the “reject” pile will be reduced. In absence of publisher guidelines, however, using the general guidelines here should work.Guidelines will often be posted on the publisher's website, but if you aren't sure, you can contact a person in the acquisitions department for clarification. For each publisher to which you submit your manuscript, check to see if they have specific formatting guidelines, and follow them if so.You might think that flashy colors, unique fonts, or some other eye-catching effort might make your manuscript stand out, but they usually prefer a “boring” standardized look that allows them to quickly examine and assess the work. Editors have huge piles of submitted manuscripts - well, nowadays, perhaps countless email attachments - to read through at any one time. Recognize that editors prefer simplicity, familiarity, and consistency.